How Some Couples Keep The Romance Alive All Year Round

Do you remember the time when you couldn’t take your hands off your partner? One look, one touch, and you’d feel so giddy and inspired to take on anything life throws at you. You both seemed to have too much time and energy for romance, didn’t you? If this is still you, keep enjoying this […]

How Special Was Valentine’s Day For You?

How Special Was Valentine’s Day For You? Did your partner surprise you? In a good way? Like I wrote in my last blog, Do You Feel You Are Missing Out? Valentine’s day is important for some and not for others. Some relish this opportunity to express their love for their partner on this special day. Talking […]

Do You Feel You Are Missing Out?

There are those that embrace Valentine’s day.  And there are those either in a relationship or wanting to be in one, that feel they are missing out on something. Valentine’s day is fast approaching and we can see a whole lot of mixed sentiments on the internet these days… For some there is excitement, exhilaration […]

5 Tips to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

Are you in a “long long distance love affair”? (I was singing this line when I wrote this, lol) Kidding aside, Have you ever wondered if it is all worth it? Does your partner work away? Perhaps FIFO (fly in fly out) or working long periods in other countries? Long distance relationships can be a […]